EVCNB Website Upgraded!

In early November, EVCNB's website was upgraded! We took the opportunity to incorporate feedback we'd received since the last site launched in 2020. We hope these improvements make the site easy to use and will help you find what you need quickly.

Here are some highlights:

Clearer navigation: the navigation bar along the top has been simplified and all programs are listed clearly under Preparedness or Response. The shopping cart stays in the navigation bar, making it easier to see if you have anything in your cart.

Better Shortcuts: where appropriate, each page will have a “Knowledge” box that stays pinned to the left side as you scroll up or down with links most often used.

Shopping Experience: We have a simplified checkout and the cart will always display at the top of all pages in the header.

Language Options: A Language Selector displays in the lower right corner. We currently have English, Spanish and French as options, using Google Translate.

What do you think? Let us know at webmaster@evcnb.org!


Special thanks to Jenna Edginton, who did all the technical work, migrated all of the content, set up the language options and improved the shopping experience. Thanks to our designer, Lisa Dorn Design, for defining our site styles, improving our readability and designing images that align with our printed materials. We could not have done it without them!


The Great ShakeOut


Volunteer Spotlight: Karen Sarnaker